Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Lesson Plan: Writing

Name          :    NASHIHUN AMIN                         Subject       :    Teaching Reading and Writing
NIM           :    113411112                                       Class           :    Kualifikasi TBI 4

                                                         LESSON PLAN
                                               Subject                         : ENGLISH
                                               Class / Semester           : Grade X / 1
                                               Material                        : Recount Text
                                               Skill Focus                   : Writing
                                               Time Allotment            : 1 meeting ( 15 minutes )

I.                   Standard of Competence
Expressing the meaning of a simple functional text related to recount text, narrative, and procedure to the daily activities.
II.                Basic competence
Understanding the meaning of a simple functional text related to recount text
III.             Indicators
1.      Explaining the social function of recount text
2.      Identifying the generic structure of recount text
3.      Analyzing the language feature of recount text
4.      Compossing a simple recount text
IV.             Learning Aim
By the end of the lesson, the students will have been able to write about someone or his/her recount.
V.                Teaching Material
1.      Social function of recount text to retells events in the past through a sequence of events. Kinds of text which belong to recont :
-          Autobiography from figure
-          Diary entries
-          Personal Experience
-          Historical Books
-          etc
2.      Generic structure of recount text
-          Orientation : opening included who, when and where the activities happened
-          Events : the happened of events by cronological and sequences
-          Reorientation : clossing of event (summary)
3.      The language feature of recount text
-          Use past tense (past verb/ verb 2)
-          Use action verb ex. Went, helped, etc
-          Conjunction use sequence of time : And then, next, after that, etc
4.      Composing a simple recount text
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.
The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.
On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.
VI.             Learning Method
     Communicative Language Teaching
VII.          Learning activities
Interaction Pattern
Sample of Instruction
Building knowledge of the field
(pre activities)
·         Teacher greets students
·        Teacher checks students’ attandance
·        Teacher simulates students by asking a simple question

5 minutes


·         Assalamu’alaikum  wr.  Wb.
Good afternoon, everyone!
·        Are the students full this time ?
·        Class, Do you have diary book at home ?
Modelling of teaching (main actifities)
·         The teacher gives example of recount text.
·         The teacher explains more about recount text
·         The teacher gives the students some short functional texts that related to past tense.
·         The teacher gives example from the short functional text, and explains what the word is that includes past tense text.
·         The teacher asks the students to underline the past tense in the text.
·         The teacher ask the students to make recount text.


T – S

T – S

T – S

T – S

·         Let’s take a look at this text.
·         Please read it !
·        So, the language feature of recount text is....
·        The generic structure of it is....
·        The purpose of it is....

·        Now, please write your recount text, may be you can make personally experiennce or story from vacation!

Independent construction of text (Post activities)
·         The teacher asks the students’s difficulties
·         The teacher makes a conclusion
·         The teacher closes the meeting and gives them support.


T – S

·        Well, thank your attention. See you next week.
·        Wassalam  wr.  Wb.

VIII.        Media and source material
1.      Media
a.       Slide
b.      Paper
c.       Real Object
2.      Source of material
English Revolution by Alexander Mongot Jaya

IX.          Instrument and summary of the material
Simple Past Tense
The ‘simple past tense’ is used to tell actions or situations in the past. In Unit 1 you learned the ‘simple past tense’ used in positive and negative sentences. In this unit you learn the ‘simple past tense’ in interrogative sentences. Here are the patterns.

a         Verbal Sentence.
 S + V2 + O (positive sentence)
 S + did + not + V1 + O (negative sentence)
 Did + S + V1 + O (interrogative sentence)
    Donita went to Jakarta yesterday.
    Iman walked alone last night.

b         Nominal Sentence.
S + to be (was/were) + adj/adv/N  (positive sentence)
S + was/ were + not + adj/adv/N  (negative sentence)
Was/ were + S + adj/adv/N  (interrogative sentence)
    Rani was here last month.
    Bani was not in Jakarta yesterday.

X.                Evaluation / Assessment
1)        Form             : written text
2)        Techniques   : students are assigned to to compose a recount text
3)        Aspect           : written, grammar, structure and vocabulary in use.
4)        Scoring guidance : attandance, engagement and involvement, practical assignment (subjective assessement)
                                                                                                            Rembang, 23 Maret 2013
Knowleged by
The Headmaster of Islamic Senior High School                                 English Teacher,
MA YSPIS Rembang,

........................                                                                                    Nashihun Amin Ismy

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